Sunday, March 22, 2009

Top 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Computer Viruses

by: Jim Faller
As more and more people are becoming comfortable using their computers at school, home or in the office it’s only a matter of time before they encounter a computer virus. Here are our top 10 steps to protect you from computer viruses.

Use a high quality anti-virus program. There are many different anti-virus computers programs on the market some of them are better than others. Look to reputable computer magazines or websites for ratings to help you find the one that matches your needs.

Always use your anti-virus software. Make sure your anti-virus software is always turned on and scanning, incoming and outgoing email messages, and any software programs you run.

Keep your antivirus programs up to date. Most programs come with a yearly subscription make sure you take advantage of the updates. More advanced programs allow you to schedule updates or full system scans for “off hours” like 2AM when you aren’t likely to be using your computer.

Keep your computer up to date. From time to time operating systems fall victim to security holes or issue updates. Make sure you check periodically to make sure you are running stable up to date versions of your software.

Backup your data regularly. Most windows computer users keep their documents in the “My documents” folder. This makes it easy to back up all of your important documents. Make weekly or monthly copies to CD or USB drives.

If you use floppy disks or USB drives on public computers like your school computer lab, Kinko’s, or even digital photo printing store make sure you scan them for viruses. Public computers are notorious for not being up to date and properly protected.

Be wary of email attachments. Treat any email attachment as potentially dangerous. Never open attachments from people you weren’t expecting. Also be careful of attachments from people you know but weren’t expecting. Many computer viruses replicate themselves by reading the contacts from an infected computer.

Use text email if possible. While HTML email is prettier and allows you more control over formatting it also can carry computer viruses. If you use text based email the only way to get a virus is by opening an attachment.

Use downloaded freeware and shareware files or software with caution. Try to download them from popular reputable sources that scan the programs before they are uploaded. To make sure you are safe scan the program before you install it on your computer.

Be wary of links in IM or instant messaging software. Don’t accept invitations from people you don’t know and never click a link from someone you don’t trust, they can easily redirect you to another website that will try to install a virus on your computer system.

©, All Rights Reserved.

About the author:
This article was written by Jim Faller of http://computers.6ln.coma website with information about viruses, spyware, adware, backups, data recovery and computer security.

Three Basic Types Of Computer Mouse

by: Bonnie Archer
Mechanical: This type of computer mouse has a rubber or metal ball on its underside and it can roll in every direction. Sensors within the mouse, which are mechanical, detect the
direction in which the ball is moving and moves the pointer on the screen in the same
direction. A mouse pad should be used under the mouse to run on.

Optomechanical: This type is the same as the mechanical mouse except that it uses optical sensors to the motion of the ball. A mouse pad should be used under the mouse to run on.

Optical: This type uses a laser for detecting the mouse's movement. You don't need a
mouse pad but you can use one made for optical mice. Optical mice do not have any
mechanical moving parts. This type responds more quickly and precisely than the mechanical and optomechanical mice and now that they have been around awhile the price is pretty comparable.

How does a computer mouse hook up to the computer?

Serial mouse: these ones connect directly to an RS-232C serial port or a PS/2port. This is the simplest type of connection.

PS/2 mouse: connects to a PS/2 port.
USB mice

Cordless mouse: These are not physically connected to the computer. They rely on infrared or radio waves to communicate with the computer. Cordless are more expensive than both the serial and bus mouse. The nice thing is that there is no cord to constrain or get in your way.

Word Count 251

About the author:
About The Author

B. Archer is a successful author and publisher of http://www.A1-computers.netA great source of information about computers and computer accessories

Tips for Buying a First Computer

by: Guy Ames
The first question you need to ask yourself is why you need a computer and for what purpose you will use it:

* Surfing the Internet
* Sending and receiving e-mail
* Word Processing
* Spreadsheet and Money management
* Listening and recording music
* Storing and manipulating images
* Playing games

When you are certain that you really need a computer then you need to consider what computer to purchase.

The most common type of computer is the PC. Fewer and fewer people these days use Macintoshes and while Apple still makes them they are used primarily for graphics work at the high end multimedia level.

For home or office use you may be far better purchasing a desktop PC with pre-installed software. And PC prices are on the way down.

Of course notebook computers are really great if you want to take advantage of the portability that they offer, although you really need to weigh this against the cost -- as laptops are still much more expensive than your average PC with the same functionality.

You need to determine what capabilities you want your computer to have – the size of the hard drive, the memory and the types of cards – video and audio – that it comes with.

For a standard home or basic office use you should be adequately served by 256Mb of RAM memory with a 80Gb hard drive for storage.

Two other things to consider are that you will need a monitor and software.

For a monitor, try for a 17 inch so that you don’t have to squint to see what is on your screen. Flat panel displays are great for saving space too and the clarity of the displays now are quite impressive.

Most computers will come installed with software. Find what software the PC will come with and work out if this is all you need.

Basic word processing, spreadsheet and email/organizer software is adequate for most people and the ability to access the internet will require a modem installed as well.

If you are worried about learning to use your computer, don't be. There are tutorials within Windows XP to help get you started, and "wizards" are easy to use, step by step programs built into Windows that will help you learn a lot too.

Plus, once you get hooked up and online with your own computer, you will have access to millions of sites ready and willing to help you learn all about your new desktop PC, the software you have, and even learn how to do things you never imagined!

Check out more of our articles on the parts of a computer to help you understand what computer components you need and what you don't before you buy!

About the author:
Computer buying tips and tutorials on building your own desktop PC start with the basics from Guy Ames.

Zone Labs vs. Windows XP Service Pack 2 Firewall

by: John Lenaghan
Windows XP computer users fall into two categories: those who have personal firewall software and those who do not. Knowing that the majority of computer users go without a firewall, Microsoft has included an internet security firewall into the latest XP update called Service Pack 2. If you had no prior firewall, the day you download the SP2 update is a happy day for you.

If you already have a personal firewall such as Zone Labs, McAfee or Norton, then a question arises as to which one you keep, because any computer repair store geek would say you should not keep both the XP firewall or your existing software because it has the dynamic Microsoft name behind it, or go with a more niche company for security such as Zone Labs.

What is this Firewall Thing, Anyway?

First, what is a firewall? A personal firewall protects your computer from malicious users by blocking unauthorized access. Who needs a firewall? The term “firewall” gives the impression that only large companies need a “wall” of “fire” to block attacks. You probably feel your computer is too small to attract an attack. But let’s not forget that hackers are hackers because they are students of behavior! They know that millions of people think they’re not targets and forego internet security. They build viruses to seek out such vulnerable computers, which can lead to a multitude of computer problems, not to mention identify theft.

Perhaps if firewalls were renamed, “personal identity insurance,” more people would realize the need to own it! So, does the Windows firewall do the job? While it will block incoming attacks, it will not block programs already installed on your computer from sending information out.

Many downloads you agree to will have spyware attached, and spyware often “phones home” with information about the user. Windows XP firewall will not stop this which is why computer experts suggest that for maximum protection you should go with a full firewall protection like the ones offered by Zone Labs, Norton and McAfee in lieu of XP’s.

About the author:
John Lenaghan writes about solving computer problems for the Computer Help Squad website, where he provides valuable tips and advice about internet security, computer upgrades and other computer related topics.

You Need a Spyware Remover!

by: Kenth Nasstrom
If you use the internet, “There is over 90% chance your computer is infected with spyware” - Source CNN.

Just think about it. You probably have a t least one, if not more computers in your home. Most computers today have internet access. And if you receive email from others and surf to a couple of sites can you be almost completely sure you have some kind of spyware installed in your computer.

How dangerous are spyware?

Let me give you a short list of things spyware can do,

• Spyware can run completely hidden on your computer
• It can slow down your computer a lot
• It can spy on you and send everything you type to someone else
• It can record everything you do, allowing someone to see it later
• It can spy on you and send account information, passwords, credit card numbers and similar to a third party.
• It can “steal” files, pictures, videos and more from your computer

Some spyware will do just a few things and others everything from the list above, and more.

You must keep your computer clean from spyware or risk loosing personal information, financial information or even your private photos or family videos.

Run a spyware scanner regularly to clean out any spyware that may have sneaked their way into your computer. Do note that antivirus software (even the most expensive ones) have problems to keep spyware out. So get a good anti spyware software and use it!

No matter what the spyware's purpose really is, the bottom line is that at the very least it will cause you countless hours of problem solving and slow downs on your computer.

Scan your PC now to make sure it is clean. If you find anything, avoid using any credit cards or visit your bank until the PC is cleaned with a top anti spyware software.

To get more information and a see our Top Three list over spyware removal software with free downloads, please visit our site.

About the author:
Kenth Nasstrom runs a site with more information about spyware and adware. You will also find an updated top three list over marketing leading anti spyware software there.

The Difference Between Spyware and Viruses

by: Kara Glover
Feel free to reprint this article in newsletters and on
websites, with resource box included. If you use this
article, please send a brief message to let me know where
it appeared:

Word Count = 420
Word Wrapped to 60 characters per line
Date of copyright: May 2005

The Difference Between Spyware and Viruses
by Kara Glover

Shin, a fictional character whose name means "faith" or "trust," sits by his laptop in the living room of his home in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. He is busy at work for his boss, dictator Kim Jong-il. His job, to make sure some spyware gets into specific computers at the Pentagon so he can gain vital top secret information. He's particularly interested now that the United States government suspects his country might soon conduct its first nuclear test.

With spyware surreptitiously installed on the computers, he could, for instance, engage in the practice of keylogging. In other words, our "trustworthy" Shin could tract the actual keys on the computer hit by the Pentagon officials. This would help him learn their passwords, the content of email messages, encryption keys, or other means to bypass security measures at our nation's defense fortress. Shin's not interested in crashing computers at the Pentagon or making them otherwise operable. That would be too overt and might reveal him. He's simply after information.

There are other types of spyware, sometimes called "malware" because they don't actually spy on your computer habits. They might instead just barrage you with annoying popups, for instance. Or they might give you a different home page that isn't of your choosing, like one of an advertiser's. But for the moment those types of malware, or adware as it's sometimes called, aren't very useful for Shin. He wants to use spyware that actually spies.

Over on another part of the globe in Turkey, a fictional terrorist sits with his own laptop in a suspected al Qaeda terrist cell. But he's not out to infect computers with spyware. That's child's play. He's out to bring the house down. This story is strictly hypothetical. But let's say the terrorist wanted to disrupt the daily hubub at a major American corporation. He'd infect the computers with a virus!

The terrorist might try to attack the company's vast network by inserting a worm into it. Worms reside in RAM, and travel from machine to machine and, unlike the classic viruses, they attack the computers themselves rather than individual files. Very disruptive. This type of virus could potentially make the computers inoperable.

Bring down the goings-on at a major corporation by spreading a worm through the computer network, and the terrorist could have a field day. But let's hope not.

So to summarize, spyware often keeps track of your computer habits, and viruses are often out to disable computers in some way. Hence the difference.

©2005 by Kara Glover

About the author:

Kara Glover is a Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter. You
can find her online articles, tips, and tutorials on topics such as
Microsoft Word®, Excel®, and PowerPoint® at her website:

Rackmount Computer Keyboards

by: Max Bellamy
The other piece of vital equipment to accompany the rack mount computers and the monitors are the rack mount computer keyboards. Rackmount computer keyboards are built with durability and reliability in mind.

Most keyboards in home systems get attacked by cookie crumbs, soft drinks, children’s sticky fingers and a whole host of other awful things and yet, for the most part, they keep on functioning. But they’ll break down soon enough in the desert or on a glacier because they’re not made to withstand those harsh environments. The keyboards must be made of materials that will not rust or corrode, will not malfunction in extreme heat or cold and will continue to operate no matter what the workload.

Rack mount computer keyboards are manufactured with two things in mind -- easy compatibility with the rack mount system and durability of the keyboard itself. Essentially, manufacturers chose the finest keyboard on the market and adapted it to conform easily to the requirements of rack mount computer systems. Made to slide into the rack mounts they fit easily into any 19-inch standard rack. The keyboard of choice became the Qtronix, which has become the gold standard of rack mount computer keyboards. Manufactured to the highest standards available, the Qtronix is made to operate without failure under extreme circumstances.

Because of high user demand for rack mount computer systems, monitors and keyboards, the industry prides itself on quality manufacturing. There is no higher standard to achieve than to be recognized by the US military as a supplier of top quality products that soldiers in combat situations can depend on, explorers in the Artic can rely on and that any other user of these products can absolutely depend on.

About the author:
Rack Mount Computers provides detailed information about rack mount computers, cases, monitors, and keyboards. Rack Mount Computers is the sister site of Refurbished Laptops Web.

Protect Your Computer And Your Personal Information From Spyware

by: Ryan Larson
Spyware is a broad term used for certain types of software that are downloaded onto your computer without your knowledge. Malware has become a phrase that is used when describing spyware and adware.

Spyware is placed on your computer in order to track your internet surfing habits. It knows every site you visit and every page on that site. Spyware also collects your personal information through software that tracks your actual keystrokes. If you fill in a form to make a purchase all your personal information, including name, address and credit card information can be tracked. The potential abuse of spyware tracking is also being discussed in some businesses that store secure information, such as credit card numbers or even medical records.

Adware is another type of spyware. It doesn't work by tracking your information as spyware does, but what it can do is actually change your browser settings without your consent. It can cause pop up ads to show on your computer. It can even place a new toolbar on your computer. Most people are unaware they even have any type of adware installed on their computer until their computer starts to slow down.

The spyware business is a billion dollar a year industry with people getting very rich selling the information they steal about you. There is a case currently in court in the State of New York against a spyware company. The outcome of this legal case will hopefully mean the end of secretly placed spyware.

In order to not fall prey to these types of malwares there are steps you can take. First, don't download freebies. A lot of services that are offered to you as "free" such as free music downloads are free per say, but the price you pay is allowing them to place spyware software or adware targeted advertisements on your computer. Read any agreements about the software very carefully before you download it.

Run an anti spyware software program often along with your virus protection software. Generally spyware and adware are designed to be difficult to remove from you computer and they leave behind "ticklers" which reinstall the software.

About the author:
This article courtesy of

Notebook or Desktop Computer -- Which Should You Choose?

by: Reid Neubert
On TV and in the movies, we see a lot of portable computers being used in homes and offices. Does that mean that's the trend? Is that what you should get?

Portable computers cost more, so unless you really have the need for one, you get a lot more computer for your money with a regular desktop PC. The main thing is portability. If you need a portable computer, get a laptop. ("Laptop," "portable," and "notebook" all refer to the same thing, by the way). Otherwise, a desktop computer is a better buy, and better ergonomically.

The Price Difference

You might wonder why laptops cost more than desktop computers with comparable features and power. That is largely because it is more expensive to manufacture laptops and their parts. For portable computer components, factors such as compactness, the amount of heat they generate, their weight, and power consumption are more important than they are for desktops. Those factors add to their manufacturing costs.

Space Requirements

While laptops are certainly compact, a desktop computer with a flat panel monitor can take up almost as little space. While called a "desktop" computer, the computer itself is most often kept on the floor. That leaves just the monitor, keyboard and mouse on the desk, which is really very similar in footprint to a notebook computer.

A great way to further reduce the space taken up on the desktop computer is get a keyboard drawer to hold the keyboard and mouse. That way, they slide out of the way under the top of the desk when they aren't needed.

Be Mindful of Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science of designing and arranging things so that people can interact with them more comfortably and safely. The basic ergonomic principals for computer use tell us that, 1) the keyboard should be as close to your lap level as possible (assuming you touch-type), 2) the monitor should be about arm's length in front of you, and 3) the top of the monitor should be at about your eye level. Try achieving that with a laptop computer! Two words: im-possible.

It is obvious then, that a desktop computer is much better ergonomically than a laptop is. For prolonged use, especially, you're much better off with a desktop computer.

And Don't Forget Usability

Another aspect of ergonomics is usability. Because of size constraints, laptops also are lower on the usability scale than desktop PCs are. For one thing, laptop keyboards lack the separate groupings of the different sets of keys with space between them. For another, there are fewer keys on a laptop's keyboard, so some of them have to perform double duty. On a standard keyboard, you don't have to deal with that.

Screen Resolution

Computer monitors -- the bulky ones, anyway -- can be set at different resolutions. In other words, you can change the fineness of the image on the screen. The range is typically 640x480 -- that is 640 pixel across and 480 pixels up and down -- to 800x600, 1024x768, or even higher. At 640x480, the icons and such appear quite large; at 1024x768, they are substantially smaller. The most common resolutions today for desktop computers are 800x600 and 1024x768.

Something They Don't Tell You

Laptop displays, on the other hand, have a fixed, or native, resolution. You can change the setting, but then the images and text don't look good. While people tend to think that bigger numbers are better, a higher screen resolution may not work as well for you. It may make everything too small to see comfortably.

Remember, the laptop's screen is smaller that a desktop's. While a typical desktop computer screen is 17" or so a laptop's is usually in the range of 12" to 15." That is a big difference. Make sure you can see everything clearly before choosing a high-resolution laptop.

About the author:
Reid Neubert is the creator of, the site that provides simple, useful information about consumer electronics for shoppers, plus money-saving links to online bargains from leading retailers. For more information or to contact Reid, visit

Keeping it Clean: Virus Removal Basics

by: John Lenaghan
The day you learn your computer is infected with a virus or spyware is a lonely yet aggravating day. You’ll be angry that you fell victim, and may feel helpless because of your lack of knowledge about virus removal or pc repair. But don’t worry - you’re not alone! Unfortunately, you’re actually part of a club of tens of thousands of people who feel the same way every day!

According to AVG, virus protection usually doesn’t detect adware or spyware both of which can wreak havoc on a computer. Thousands of people each day are infected with malicious programs! Worry no longer and stop feeling helpless because this guide is a basic computer virus repair guide that will help you identify and remove viruses and malware.

Are You Running Antivirus Software?

If you already have virus software perform an update for the latest version and then run a system scan. If you do not have such software, download a free copy of AVG virus protection at This will give you free real time virus protection, email scanning and virus removal tools.

Next, download and run Ad-Aware to remove spyware, adware, and other troublesome programs Then download SpyBot Search & Destroy By using Ad-Aware and SpyBot you will have excellent protection against files that are often missed by virus protection.

To check for and eliminate browser hijackers, download and run CWShredder at

With the above programs simply run a scan and follow the prompts to remove any infected files or unwanted programs. Once that is done, upgrade your operating system, or download any needed patches, then reboot your computer.

These steps won’t solve every problem, but they will fix a large percentage of the things that cause your computer to act up.

About the author:
John Lenaghan writes about solving computer problems for the Computer Help Squad website, where he provides valuable tips and advice about internet security, computer upgrades and other computer related topics.

How to Increase Your Computer Speed Fast

by: Gio Mangano
I'm sure you've come across tons of articles and even suggestions from some of your friends on how to get your computer to work faster. Its really not that hard to increase your internet speed. I'm going to make it real simple for you and you don't need to be a computer geek to make this work. The first thing you need to remember is to never, and I mean absolutely never download programs especially free software without reading the fine print. Most free computer software will bombard your computer with spyware which will eventually bring your internet speed to a screeching halt! If your computer is already infected with spyware you can download the leading spyware remover called ad-aware which will scan your computer and remove spyware and tracking cookies from your computer.

Another way of making your computer and internet connection faster is by clicking on start, then run and typing in msconfig. Go to start tab and remove any program except your antivirus software and any other program which you must have start when windows starts. This tip will increase your computer start up time dramatically!

Step number 3, and I do this almost on a daily basis is to clean up your internet cache. Go to your control panel which you can access from your start button and click on internet options. Go to temporary internet files and clear your history. I would recommend that you also set internet history to a maximum of 2 days. Next step is to delete your temporary internet files including offline content. Last step is to delete cookies. Be careful though because deleting your cookies will also delete useful information from your computer. You can read a how to on cookies here

These steps are the basics you can take which will speed up your internet connection immediately. I would also recommend doing a virus check on your computer on a weekly basis. If you don't have antivirus software, get it! You'll be happy you did. Just one virus can wreak havoc on your computer! Make sure you test your internet speed whether its broadband or dial-up, before and after you take these simple steps so you can compare if these steps you've taken have worked. Taking these basic steps will make you a happy surfer and will restore your faith in the World wide web!

About the author:
Gio Mangano is the owner of http://www.bandwidtht1.comwhich offers Instant quotes on T1 Line and business DSL. Gio Mangano also publishes a blog on computer tips and tricks and improving your internet speed at

A Basic Introduction To Spyware

by: Philippa Smith
Spyware is the most troublesome software to appear on the
Internet in recent times. When spyware infects a computer
system, it may be relatively harmless or it may be

Spyware like coolwebsearch and are capable of
paralyzing a computer system. Laws to regulate spyware are
pending in many states and may take years to enforce.

What Is Spyware?

Spyware is any software that collects information about
computer usage and/or the computer user. It is installed on
one computer and sends information to another computer.
Some spywares like the Weather Bug, Bear Share and Kazaa
are knowingly downloaded and installed by users. Other
spyware is installed without the knowledge or permission of
the user.

How Does Spyware Affect A Computer?

Symptoms of spyware infection includes:

* Very slow system performance while browsing the Internet.
* Your homepage changing mysteriously on its own.
* Excessive appearance of pop-ups, on sites likes Google,
Yahoo and MSN, which don't use them.
* You can only get your browser to visit sites, which are
trying to dupe you into buying spy ware removal software.

Many spyware detection and elimination programs are easily
available for free on the Internet.

How Does One Deal With Spyware?

There are many tools and catalogues available to deal with
spyware. One of these tools is Spybot Search and Destroy.
It scans computers for spyware and harmful programs. It
shows a list of problem areas to the user and allows him to
delete any or all of them.

A user can leave legitimate programs installed by him.
These may include peer-to-peer file sharing software or
software installed to monitor the on-line activities of

A Comprehensive Solution

It may be a good idea for most computer owners to get a
comprehensive PC security solution as a bundle. Norton and
McAfee, now offer a complete security suite consisting of
anti-virus, personal firewall, anti-spam and privacy
offerings, and anti-spy ware.

They are quite easy to install and allow parents to monitor
children who use the computer. There are many threats on
the Internet, from which these suites can protect your
Click to find a daily updated blog of articles and news
about spyware ! Get advice and information about how to
protect your computer from attack, and disinfect it.. Click

About the author:
Philippa Smith runs a home business in los angeles. The
constant attacks on here computer caused her to learn all
about spyware & viruses, and how to deal with them.

Access Your PC From The Road

by: Jim Edwards
© Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

Have you ever sat in front of your computer and wished you could show someone else what appeared on your screen?

Maybe you were experiencing a problem, or couldn't figure out how to make something work, but you knew if someone else could see what was happening on your screen, they could help you fix the problem immediately.

Ever had a phone conversation with someone about a particular business topic, but you just couldn't "connect" with your ideas because it was too hard to explain over the phone?

Now, visualize jumping on the phone with that same person and literally sharing your computer's desktop to collaborate, discuss, and create virtually anything together, even if you are separated by thousands of miles.

Though this may sound like an episode of Star Trek, remote computer sharing is actually a daily business reality.

Imagine you need to take a trip and you either don't want to or can't take your computer.

The thought of emails piling up for days makes you crazy and you also need to monitor some things on your pc.

Instead of trying to lug your laptop (or fit your desktop into your suitcase), you can use "remote desktop" software that allows you to access your computer through the Internet from any other computer in the world.

One of the most common remote desktop services is, which provides a safe and secure way for you to go down to the local internet café, log on, and access your office or home computer just like sitting at your own desk.

Now, before you panic and think anyone can access your computer, let me explain security.

First, you log in to the website with a username and password.

Once logged in, you then click a link to log onto your PC, which will then ask you for another password. has even thought of a solution for those of you worried about people looking over your shoulder as you enter your passwords on a public computer or if the computer you use might carry a keystroke logger.

Before leaving home, you can program in a series of up to 99 passwords that only work one time.

This means even if someone watches you log into your computer or records your keystrokes, the password you used won't work again.

If a would-be thief tries to access your computer too many times, will shut down all access attempts to your PC.

The benefits of remotely accessing your PC from the road are numerous, but the bottom line is that it enables you to use your computer from the road like you never left home.

For example: while traveling to a conference this weekend, my wife (and business partner) accessed our office computer from my laptop and, instead of the usual pile of 4,000 emails that would normally await after 5 days away, we just picked up this morning like we'd never been gone.

The same company that offers also offers a service called which allows you to remotely host a meeting where multiple users can share and collaborate on a single computer desktop.

This service makes it super simple to provide online training, do software demos, and even make complete sales presentations.

I personally use both of these services and find them easy, reliable and well worth the price.

About the author:
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links...

Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to your website for weeks, even months... without spending a dime on advertising! ==>

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